Vorläufer PPC from Postal Agent Carl Domnick, Jaluit, 13 February 1900

Links to External Sites

Vorläufer PPC from Postal Agent Carl Domnick, Jaluit, 13 February 1900
Welcome to the GCCG Links
This page serves as a central list of websites containing information useful to Colonial collectors.
The websites linked below are not affiliated with the GCCG, and the GCCG is not responsible for any of the linked content.
If you are aware of a site not included below that would be useful for Colonial collectors, please contact the Admin using the Contact page.

Cash franking from steamer König, 31 December 1901
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Sammler Deutscher Kolonialpostwertzeichen e.V.
(in German or English)
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Sammler Deutscher Kolonialpostwertzeichen e.V. is the German Colonies study group of the Bund Deutscher Philatelisten e.V. (BDPh), Germany’s primary philatelic organization. It is the oldest Colonies study group in the world, and still publishes numerous works annually with new research and information on the German Colonies & Post Offices Abroad.
Deutsch-Ostafrika Personen-Datenbank
(in German)
The Deutsch-Ostafrika Personen-Datenbank (German East Africa Persons Database) is a database of most persons known to have been in German East Africa prior to mid-July 1914.
(in German)
Deutsche-Schutzgebiete.de contains, among other things, volumes of information on the colonies of the German Empire and ships of the Imperial Navy, including contemporary texts and images.
Digital Micronesia – Marshalls
(in English)
Digital Micronesia is a comprehensive study of, among other things, the history, culture, and postal history of Micronesia, with a special focus on the Marshalls. It is maintained by Dirk HR Spennemann.
(in German)
Tsingatu.info is a hisitorical-biographic project by Hans-Joachim Schmidt that contains detailed information on the the German troops defending Tsingtau and their subsequent captivity in Japan.
(in German)
BoxerAufstand.com contains historical information about the Boxer Rebellion, 1900-1901, including a timeline and rosters of the German military officers present.
David Rumsey Map Collection
(in English)
The David Rumsey Map Collection is an excellent source for historical maps, with a searchable, hi-resolution collection of over 125,000 maps and images.
(in English)
Postmark-Reveal.com is a site that perfroms a variety of adjustments to an uploaded image with the intent of revealing difficult-to-see postal markings. DISCLAIMER: Postmark-Reveal.com is a non-commercial site created by the GCCG webmaster, Jed Dorman.
Bundesarchiv File Archive
(in German)
The Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive) has made available online many of its historical documents, including many original documents, reports, etc., from the colonies.
Bundesarchiv Photo Database
(in English & German)
Among the materials available from the Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive) is a large searchable database of historical photos, including many from the colonial period. Registration is free, and allows you to access full-size scans of the photos.