Pisa Provisional to Tientsin, 2 September 1902

GCCG Resources

Pisa Provisional to Tientsin, 2 September 1902

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Welcome to the GCCG Online Resources Hub
This page serves as a central hub for the various online resources compiled by GCCG members to aid collectors of the German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad.
Access to several of the resources is limited to current GCCG members. Limited access areas are noted in red, and the links to those areas will only appear to logged-in members.
Resources that are accessible to non-members are noted in blue.

SMS Nürnberg (MSP No. 5) while in Ponape, Karolinen, 12 February 1911

The Vorläufer Archives
(Members Only)
Copies of all past issues of Vorläufer – Vol. 1 to present including special supplements – are available in the Vorläufer Archives.
Archived issues can be viewed in your browser, but are not downloadable or printable. The online viewer allows for quick scrolling through the pages of an issue, and pages can be zoomed to read finer text or view close-ups of the pages.
If a member requires a copy of an issue in a more permanent form (electronic or paper), please contact the GCCG archivist through the Contact Us page.
Guests can view a copy of the index here.

Friedemann Translations
(Members Only)
The Friedemann archive contains English-language translations of Albert Friedemann’s Die Postwertzeichen und Entwertungen der deutschen Postanstalten in den Schutzgebieten und im Ausland (The Stamps and Cancels of the German Colonies and the German Post Offices Abroad). The translations are available by colony/office abroad or by searchable topic.

The Atoll Posts
(Members Only)
At this link is a copy of Dr. W. Laup’s The Atoll Posts or Manuscript Cancellations of the German Marshall Islands, as translated by Dr. David C. Robertson.
This work can be viewed in your browser, but is not downloadable or printable. The online viewer allows for quick scrolling through the pages, and pages can be zoomed to read finer text or view close-ups of the pages.
If a member requires a copy of this work in more permanent form (electronic only), please contact the GCCG archivist through the Contact Us page.

Deutsch-Ostarika MiNr. 38 I A b Census
(Members Only)
The GCCG census of used copies of MiNr. 38 I A b was started in 1973, and updates have been posted to Vorläufer as new copies have been discovered. This page contains a consolidated listing of all known used copies with photos, if available, and information on provenance. It also includes links to the relevant Vorläufer issues, if applicable, that discuss each issue and its provenance.

Colonial Perfins
(Members Only)
At this link is the GCCG census of perfins known to have been used in the German Colonies & Post Offices Abroad, including visual aids.
GermanStamps.net Album Pages
(Open Access)
GCCG member Jed Dorman, the proprietor of GermanStamps.net, makes available custom album pages for certain collecting areas. As he is also the Archivist and Webmaster for GCCG, he is making the album pages for the German Colonies, Post Offices Abroad, and Colonial Postmarks available for download here as well.
Post Office Information & Maps
(Open Access)
This page contains information on all the post offices in the German Colonies & Post Offices Abroad, as well as Google Maps showing their approximate locations.
Google Earth Map
(Open Access)
In an effort to assist collectors of the German Colonies and Post Offices abroad in learning more about the philatelic history of these areas, the linked page includes instructions on downloading and viewing a Google Earth map containing estimated locations of all colonial post offices. The map also includes basic information on dates and cancels used.